Free Bikes 4 Kids Wrench Session

This is a past ride.
Oct 21, 2022

5930 Earle Brown Drive, 55430, Brooklyn Center

Ride Distance:
Rob Welsh

We are assembling a team of mechanics, cleaners, movers and helpers to spend 2 hours helping Free Bikes For Kids get 8,000 bikes ready for distribution in time for the holidays.  If you would like to help, go to the following link and sign up for the shift on Friday, October 21st, starting at 3p.  Be sure to identify the group you are with (Minnesota Randonneurs).  
Free Bikes 4 Kids Website Signup: FB4KMN Volunteer Sign Up

Note: until Saturday, Oct 8th, the season sign up form is not front and center on the signup page, you have to scroll past the collection day info to enter your email address to start the process. 
FB4Ks location is: 5930 Earle Brown Drive, 55430, in Brooklyn Center, about a block away from their warehouse last year.
A post wrench session is planned at a local establishment.


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